WENT TO SAN DIEGO THIS WEEK!!!! WOOHOO! It wasn't as cool as I was hoping it to be...but at least it wasn't 110. Today coming to El Centro to email the temp hit 115. It's a lot more humid now so that's no fun! This morning we went and did some service with the elders, cleaning out a garage for a yard sale. Then we went to Mexico. hahah just kidding. Only to the fence! It was sweet! we took some pics of Mexico through the fence.
Anyways.... ELDER BALLARD!!!! It was sooooo cool!!!! He talked about the work and the bishops and stake presidents and ward mission leaders were there too, from every stake! He talked about the importance of missionary work and ward council and how they need to be working together if the church wants to see any progression in the conversion of our brothers and sisters. Without the help of a healthy working ward council, missionary work is a flop. With the new 8 fundamentals comin out to the MTCs all over the world now (the ones we've been doing a pilot program with) and with Preach My Gospel, missionary work is way more effective and helpful. The old ways are in the past! the new and inspired missionary work needs to be implemented yesterday haha. So it was way good to hear him back it all up. His testimony at the end was my favorite. It was powerful and basically a blessing on missionaries, the work and our safety and our families. Afterwards we got to go up and shake his hand!!!! The sisters got a hug from Sister Ballard who is sooooo cute! Sister Clayton looks just like her mom that's for sure! (my mish pres' wife is a daughter of the Ballard's) ....and I got to shake Elder Ballard's hand. He's my favorite! He actually reminds me of Grandpa Blair some how. I don't know why but he does!
Other than that the work has been really really slow. It's practically a whole different mission out here. Plus it's so hot that no one wants to answer the door or everyone is gone. But we're trying.
Well I love you all and hope that you have a wonderful week! I can't believe there's only 2 and a half weeks left of this transfer....and then I only have 3 transfers left. ah....I don't wanna come home. lol. No offense. In fact the other day when we were having district meeting, the stake pres 1st councilor arrived and then in came an elder FRESH off the plane from Paraguay!!!! to get released!!! AHHHH!!! In missionary terms we call it "dying". So he was about to "die". It was quiet and we were having our meeting and then all of a sudden we heard Pres Fairbanks say..."WELL, it's time to take the tag off!!! YUP, gotta come off!!!" and we all gasped! haha...we were all dreading that day....geez, and I'm the only one out here that's going home THIS year! Ok...I'm stopping!
Hermana Dunn
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